Although as entertaining we find Roma I must WARN (NSFW) he uses quite strong language. Also some would say his comments are NOT politically correct therefor might offend.
For example and because they are funny ...
"Don’t you dare go to Chinatown. Leave the f**king Chinese alone.
~ Roma going on about who we cannot photograph."
"Do you know what happens when you give white kids a camera? They come back with photos of little black kids throwing up gang signs. True story. When I was teaching at Yale, every single privileged motherf**ker went out to a poor neighborhood and came back with photos of little kids throwing up gang signs. I didn’t even know what they were doing. I thought they all had arthritis."
"Ugh. Just by looking around, I think none of you should procreate."
- Sh.t my Photography Professor Says ~ So, I am taking a photography class. My professor is legitimately insane / legitimately brilliant. This is a tumblr devoted to his rants and rages. Embedded in them are bits and pieces of truth. But be warned: most of it is bullshit.
Source: PetaPixel