
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Live Visualization of DDoS Attacks Around the Globe

Digital Attack Map (home) is a live data visualization of DDoS attacks (Wiki) around the globe, built through a collaboration between Google Ideas and Arbor Networks. The tool surfaces anonymous attack traffic data to let users explore historic trends and find reports of outages happening on a given day.

Digital Attack Map Information

Powered by Google Ideas
DDoS data © 2013, Arbor Networks, Inc

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Huge Gigapixel Panorama and/or Gigapixel Game

Where's Waldo (remember, the dude wearing a red stripped shirt) in this panorama?                                              Best viewed full-screen

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A ¼ Scale V8 Engine

Here we're presented with a demonstration of 'old school' craftsmanship, a metal machinist doing what he knows best. A truly gifted man who redefines what is possible with only simple hand tools, a manual lathe and milling machine. Without the aid of modern CNC machining techniques we're given via a 35 page build-log a working scale 45cc V8 engine with Megasquirt MS2 fuel injection and electric starter.

A quote came to mind after looking at the man and his work, "A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. ~ Louis Nizer"

In addition he gives us a brief look at two of his previous projects which are no less amazing than his V8 engine. On page 16 of his build-log we're given a glimpse of his scale RC-Helicopter with it's machined Main and Tail Rotors along with his hand-made Binocular Telescope.




Thursday, October 10, 2013

New Nikon D610 Replaces the Controversial D600

The rumored update to the Nikon D600 released. The new Nikon D610 comes with only three new features, faster continuous shooting, quiet continuous mode and an improved auto white balance. More importantly for many prospective buyers is the infamous D600's oil on the sensor issue (Service Advisory) may have been corrected with it's redesigned shutter. According to a resolution to the oil contamination issue can not be confirmed by Nikon but  speculation by internet theorists are suggesting this is the sole reason for the new D610.      

dpreview: "Internet theorists have already suggested that the D610 was created to leave the troubles of the D600 behind. And the appearance of a new model so soon after the D600's launch, with almost no changes other than a new shutter mechanism, seems to give that theory some credence."


      Update: Feb 27, 2014

      Update: Mar 17, 2014
      Update: April 01, 2014 

      Update: June 1, 2014

      Sunday, October 06, 2013

      Two Cool Jets

      ... and now without the pun ...

      It's been sometime since posting anything RC related so I thought two rather cool RC jet videos. The first is the RC FUTURA Jet whose pilot is certainly demonstrating the "right Stuff" in his precision flying. The second video show us a rather large RC Concord which is a personal favorite.

      The New Fangled Pyelight™

      Here's a photographic accessory I (we) must have in the kit ... it's a true problem solver!

      Product Launch: The New Fangled Pyelight

      At a recent wedding Derek Pye successfully decapitated 150 guests because they were looking at him funny during a group photo, the fact he'd asked the guests to look at him and smile is irrelevant - Derek was feeling a bit paranoid after 3 days with no sleep - by activating the Pyelight™ at the right moment Derek got the shot with not a single guest blinking or looking the wrong way. Try that with an Iceylight and you’ll look and feel really stupid. Buy a Pyelight™ today and help make Derek very rich for doing not much.

      Tuesday, October 01, 2013

      Download: Perfect Effects 4 FREE

      Perfect Effects 4 FREE Download
      Although their version number paronomasia (pun) I thought lame for our enjoyment I have yet another free application containing 70+ photographic filters. The filters are a small subset of what is offered within the paid version of software but I hope you enjoy as much as I did. Following is what onOne Software the creators have to say about their offer.

      Perfect Effects 4 FREE
      Instantly Create Images with Impact — for FREE

      Add a heavy dose of excitement or a subtle amount of elegance to your photos with Perfect Effects 4 Free. Choose from over 70 effects to enhance and stylize your images, including effects to create the popular HDR and vintage looks, textures to add depth and dimension, and borders to add a finishing touch. Instantly add any effect with a single click or combine them to create a look of your own. Perfect Effects 4 Free can be used as a standalone or directly with Adobe® Lightroom®, Photoshop®, Photoshop Elements, or Apple® Aperture®.